Wisdom for along the way

Tools, tips and talk geared towards transformation.

Check out our latest blog posts for insightful and thought-provoking methods to help you overcome challenges and embark on an inspirational journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Has the idea of being your own boss and calling your own shots ever been a dream? What about having the freedom, the independence, the greater sense of satisfaction, and finally, doing something you really want to do? We bet it has! And doesn’t it sound appealing?
We are super excited and honoured to be featured in the April issue of Marie Claire. Here is our interview with them about career coaching translated in English. 
In any company, ensuring that goals are captured, measured and periodically evaluated is a critical exercise to manage performance and outcomes. Most companies have some sort of Performance Management system, be it online or in paper form. However, most Managers describe it as painful and time consuming, whilst employees feel like the process is contrived and often have the impression that it is ‘just a tick-in-the-box’ exercise for their Manager.
The first question we would like to debunk is what does the perfect coach look like? A man or woman with at least 20 years of experience under their belt with an impressive amount of degrees, an ex-CEO and preferably with “grey hair”. This sounds like the perfect description of a coach to have right?
Whether at work, or through conversations with friends, or from the media, it is very likely that you’ve heard about the benefits of coaching. It is not very surprising given the profession is one of the fastest-growing in the world! So, is coaching just another buzzword? Or is it a developing trend based on a value-added method?